Revised on April 7, 2015.
English, Japanese

Akihiko Ikeda
Research Associate
Y. H. Matsuda Group, International Megagauss Science Laboratory
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Email: ikeda at
Chief vacuum technician (link), Slinging, Cranes
2008, B. Eng., University of Tokyo (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering)
2013, M. Eng., University of Tokyo (Dept. of Applied Physics)
2013, D. Eng., University of Tokyo (Dept. of Applied Physics) (PhD Thesis)
Prof. T. Okano and Prof. K. Fukutani (Surface Physics Group, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo)
2013 - Present, Current position
Member of
The Physical Society of Japan, The Vacuum Society of Japan
Research topics
  • High-field physics (2013 - Present)
    : Destructive pulse magnets at ISSP UTokyo (Single turn coil and electro-magnetic flux compression)
    1. *Magnetization measurements at above 100 T using induction method
    2. *Magnetostriction measurements at 100 T
    3. *X-ray diffraction at 100 T
    (* in progress)

  • Surface science (2008 - 2013)
    1. Inter-adatom interactions in surface diffusion of physisorbates
    2. Thermal and non-thermal photostimulated desorption of physisorbed Xe
    3. Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by physisorbed 83Kr

  1. A. Ikeda, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani and T. Okano, "Photostimulated desorption of Xe from Au(001) surfaces via transient Xe- formation", Phys. Rev. B 84, 155412 (2011) (pdf) (arXiv)
  2. A. Ikeda, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, T. Okano and K. Fukutani, "Knudsen layer formation in laser induced thermal desorption", J. Chem. Phys. 138, 124705 (2013) (pdf) (arXiv)
  3. A. Ikeda, T. Kawauchi, M. Matsumoto, T. Okano, K. Fukutani, X. W. Zhang, Y. Yoda, "Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by physisorbed Kr on TiO2(110) surfaces in multilayer and monolayer regimes", Phys. Rev. B 91, 155402 (2015) (pdf) (arXiv)

  1. Student award, The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2011 (link)
  2. Best poster award, The 8th Joint-Symposium of Synchrotron Radiation Surface Science Research Division and Microscopic Nano Material Science Group, 2012 (link)
  3. The 5th SPring-8 Budding Researchers Award, 2012 (link)

  1. Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant, 2011

  1. An introductory video of Okano Fukutani Group, 2013